Blog #13

I wouldn’t say I’ve ever felt “impede” by my life story. I think that would be pretentious of me. Of course, like anyone, I have gone through my own bouts of hardship, but I know that I am very privileged to be in the spot I am in. And because of this, I would rather use that privilege to continue growing from the events that I’d like to forget, because though they caused pain, I know understand the actions I must take to move on and avoid the same experiences. I would also say that I agree with Galen’s ideas regarding the “selves.” I think this also has to do with the roles mentioned in the last reading. I think depending on who you’re with or where you are, there’s a certain role you must play. And I’d say most of the time it’s involuntary. How I am with my friends is not the same version of myself that I am with my family. This is not totally on purpose, but I think there is a time and a place for all of your actions. Galen Strawson brought up a point that reminded me of something my sister once told me. Strawson writes, “we always put the best “faces” on it we can.” I remember the first break I went home for since coming to college, I told my sister that as much as I love my friends from home, I really just wanted to be with my friends from college. She told me that it’s because it’s not as mentally exhausting. She told me that when you’re in high school, you’re only with your friends for so long and during this time, you must constantly put on your best self. But in college, you’re with the same people constantly, and you have no choice to show your worst side, and since everyone is going through the same kind of things, they still accept you. This really resonated with me, and the reading reminded me of this.



  1. mstephens2

    I agree, that we need to stop dreading on the little things and just appreciate what we have. I like how you talked about the difference between college and high school friends and how although both groups are your friends there is a different side of you that comes out when you’re around them.

  2. okelley

    I really like how in your free write you made numerous connections not only to text but also to self. I really like your point about the hardships, and rather than using them to bring you down you have to keep pushing. I felt like I related to that very well while reading.

  3. Elisha M Emerson

    I agree with your peers. This free write was AMAZING! You managed to make so many meaningful connections! Your sister sounds so wise. I think we tend to bond more intensely when we have to figure things out together in real time.

  4. Elisha M Emerson

    These annotations look more consistent, by the way. I understand that annotations are going to fluctuate along with one’s interest and/or ability to connect. Keep up the great work!

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