Learning Outcome 1

My process in approaching revision has definitely changed over the course of the semester. Before, I would focus too much on global revisions and miss out on local revisions, which would lead to confusion within my essays. I would also have trouble putting my thoughts together into one clear idea. I would often find myself listing different topics within my essay, instead of connecting them to form one argument. However, peer review and the writing fellow program helped me with this. Through peer review, I was able to see what parts of my essays were found to be confusing to an audience. Anything that didn’t quite fit in was brought up. My peers also helped me in further developing ideas so that I could connect them back to my thesis. In my Significant Writing Project, I was able to do this as well. My peers recommended that I include a more personal touch so that it would better connect back to the prompt. We were able to come to the conclusion that I should include my narrative project. With this, I was able to include an auditory mode as well as answer the prompt better. We also went over any sentences that could be confusing to read. This allowed me to see the places in my writing that I needed to fix.

Overall, I feel more confident as a writer. Peer review and meeting with a writing fellow helped me in doing this. With these tools, I was able to learn how to integrate my ideas clearly and find places within my writing that are confusing to read.