Learning Outcome 2

Learning outcome two states to “be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources.” I believe I was able to demonstrate this in my Significant Writing Project. This was my favorite essay to write. Part of this was because of all the sources I was able to integrate. In this essay, I argued that the experiences we gain in life form a nonlinear narrative. In order to do this, I used the two sources “Life’s Stories” by Julie Beck and “I am not a Story” by Galen Strawson. By integrating quotes from these two essays into my own, I was able to develop and back my argument up further. I did this by using the techniques we learned in class. For example, Barclay paragraphs and quote sandwiches. This allowed me to integrate the author’s ideas with my own. This can be seen in the first paragraph of my essay. After introducing the topic of my paragraph and the author, I included a quote and then analysis. After this, I put in another quote with more analysis that tied together both quotes to further develop my thesis. With this project, I was also able to include audio, visual, and spatial components to my essay. The practice and essays we’ve written in class have provided me with the knowledge and comfortability in selecting, integrating, and explaining quotations within my writing.